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$10 off voucher (the “Offer”) is only valid when you spend $30 or more on your first three orders, before applicable fees and taxes in a single transaction made online at Enter the Offer code during checkout on the first order to redeem. The offer is not valid on the purchase of tobacco, alcohol products, prescriptions, phone cards, lottery tickets all non-participating third party operations and any other products which are provincially regulated or as we determine from time to time. Offer is one-time only, cannot be combined with any other coupons, discounts or promotions and excludes previous purchases. Offer available for new customers only. Offer expires September 1st, 2020. Limit one per customer. We reserve the right to cancel any order due to unauthorized, altered, or ineligible use of discount and to modify or cancel these promotions due to system error or unforeseen problems. ®/TM The trademarks and logos displayed are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.